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This site provides a listing of Huntington residential Bank owned properties currently available for sale. These properties have been acquired by foreclosure or through arrangements with a prior owner and are currently listed with the Listing Agent. If you are interested in purchasing or viewing any of the Bank owned properties listed, please contact the Listing Agent shown on the property detail page. Huntington does not negotiate or handle offers on any of these properties directly. All inquires, questions, or communications regarding any of these properties should be directed to the Listing Agent.
Please use the SEARCH PROPERTIES feature to locate Bank owned properties for sale in your area of interest. You can search by State, County and State, or by Zip Code. If you search by Zip Code you will be shown all properties within that zip code and properties located within a 25 mile radius of the selected zip code. You can further refine your search by selecting the minimum number of bedrooms or search by price range. If you are interested in obtaining additional information on a Huntington property that you do not find listed on this site, please go to the CONTACT US tab and submit the request for information sheet. In most instances a response will be provided within 48 hours.
If you are interested in pursuing Huntington financing, contact your local Huntington Mortgage Loan Officer or call 1-800-LOAN-US1 to get current rates and discuss your options on a variety of Huntington mortgage loan programs. For your convenience you can also click the Apply now button below at anytime to start your mortgage loan application on line. All loans are subject to application, credit approval, satisfactory appraisal, and title insurance. Terms and conditions subject to change. Other terms, conditions, and restrictions may apply.
The properties listed are bank owned and acquired by foreclosure or through arrangements with the prior owner. Huntington cannot make any warranties as to their condition or suitability for any purpose. It is strongly recommended that you complete a thorough examination of the property prior to entering into any contract for sale.

For a personal showing
The Bank owned properties for sale are listed for sale through local realtors. If you are interested in further information on any listed property, please contact the Listing Agent shown on the property listing.

All information on each property listed is believed to be reliable but is not warranted. Interested buyers should verify all information and make a personal inspection of the property prior to making an offer.